Image: Claus Köhler
Claus Köhler

Claus Köhler worked in the credit business. He was member of the executive board of a German financing company and (in personal union) member of the governing board of a Swiss financial holding. He held the chair for national economy at the University of Hannover from 1966 until 1974. Finally, he was member of the board of directors of two Investmentfonds in New York as well as member of an advisory panel of Oman’s central bank.

Books by this Author

24 Hits

(Ed.) |  (Ed.)

Makroökonomische Ursachen der Arbeitslosigkeit: Diagnose und Therapievorschläge

1999. Tab., Abb.; 442 S.

from 129,90 €

(Ed.) |  (Ed.)

IEW-Tagungsband anläßlich eines Symposiums in Leipzig im September 1995

1996. Tab., Abb.; 197 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 59,90 €

Ein Indikator der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung

1993. Abb.; 37 S.
Available as:  Book

from 12,00 €

Ein System offener Volkswirtschaften

1990. Tab., Abb.; 146 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 39,90 €

Bd. III: Wirtschaftspolitische Ziele und wirtschaftspolitische Strategie

1983. Tab., Abb.; XV, 270 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 59,90 €

Bd. II: Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurs

1979. Tab., Abb.; XVI, 364 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 49,90 €

Bd. I: Geldversorgung und Kreditpolitik

1977. 2., veränd. Aufl.. Tab., Abb.; XXIII, 415 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 49,90 €

(Ed.) |  (Ed.) |  (Ed.)

Festschrift für Bruno Gleitze zum 65. Geburtstag am 4. August 1968

1968. Frontispiz, Tab., Abb., 1 Ausschlagtafel; XI, 526 S.
Available as:  Book

from 69,90 €

Geldtheoretische Thesen im Spiegel der Empirie

1962. 13 Tab., Abb.; 229 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 44,90 €

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