A Survey on Criminology and Crime with an Expedition into the Criminal Landscape of the Balkans
For the first time, this volume brings together experts in the fields of criminology, criminal law and criminal justice from across the Balkans, to discuss the state of the art of criminology and current crime trends in a region that has thus far largely been neglected by European criminological research.
The first chapter analytically describes and defines the Balkan region, not only as a unique historical region, but also as a religious and legal territory, as well as a region of migration and violence and a criminological region sui generis. These facts are used to explore and promote the likely benefits of a coherent regional criminological research approach – with the long-term goal of creating a sustainable ›crimiological landscape‹. Contributions from all members of the Balkan Criminology Network provide an in-depth overview of facts and background information about criminological education and research and data about crime, general crime trends, and current crime and criminal justice challenges. The final chapter presents selected research projects from the actual research agenda of the Max Planck Partner Group for Balkan Criminology (MPPG).
This selection makes the book an essential reader for anyone interested in the current criminological setting of the Balkans and an excellent starting point for regional or country specific crime research.
I – Introduction: Marking the Territory
Holm Sundhaussen
The Balkan Peninsula: A Historical Region Sui Generis
Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac
Mapping the Criminological Landscape of the Balkans
John Winterdyk and Michael Kilchling
Creating a Sustainable Criminological Landscape: Building Capacity and Networking the Balkans
II – Mapping the Criminological Landscape of the Balkans: Survey on Criminology and Crime
Evisa Kambellari
Criminology and Crime in Albania
Almir Maljević and Elmedin Muratbegović
Criminology and Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Svetla Margaritova-Vuchkova
Criminology and Crime in Bulgaria
Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac and Ruža Karlović
Criminology and Crime in Croatia
Effi Lambropoulou
Criminology and Crime in Greece
Eszter Sárik
Criminology and Crime in Hungary
Ernesto U. Savona
Crimnology in Italy between Tradition and Innovation
Lavdim Krasniqi
Criminology and Crime in Kosovo
Gordana Bužarovska
Criminology and Crime in Macedonia
Vesna Ratković
Criminology and Crime in Montenegro – Focus on Corruption
Andra-Roxana Trandafir
Criminology and Crime in Romania – Focus on the New Criminal Code
ÐorÐe Ignjatović and Natalija Lukić
Criminology and Crime in Serbia
Sabina Zgaga
Criminology and Crime in Slovenia
Adem Sözüer and Tuba Topçuoğlu
Criminology and Crime in Turkey
III – An Expedition into the Criminal Landscape of the Balkans: Research Projects of the Max Planck Partner Group for Balkan Criminology
Filip Vojta
Punishment and Sentence Enforcement for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Former Yugoslavia
Reana Bezić
Juvenile Delinquency in the Balkans: A Regional Comparative Analysis of the ISRD3-Study Findings
Karlo Ressler
Trafficking in Human Beings in and through the Balkans – Introduction to a Qualitative Approach
Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička
Severe Economic Crimes Committed in Transitional Periods – Crimes under International Criminal Law?
Aleksandar Maršavelski
Responsibility of Political Parties for Criminal Offences – Preliminary Observations, Challenges and Controversies
Summaries – About the Authors
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