SOC 2/2018
Sociologus (SOC), Band 68, Heft 2
2018. S. 107–203.
Erhältlich als
74,90 €
sofort lieferbar


Enrique Alonso-Población, Alberto Fidalgo-Castro, and María Jesús Pena-Castro
Bargaining Kultura. Tensions Between Principles of Power Acquisition in Contemporary Timor-Leste

Frank Heidemann
Stimmungslagen und mobile Akteure. Ein Konflikt in einer südindischen Kleinstadt 2008 bis 2012

Silja Klepp
Framing Climate Change Adaptation from a Pacific Island Perspective – The Anthropology of Emerging Legal Orders

Maike Voigt
»Employment Didn't Give me Enough Security«. Why Entrepreneurship has Become an Opportunity and Security Measure for the Kenyan Middle Class

Book Reviews

Tatjana Thelen / Larissa Vetters / Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.), Stategraphy: Toward a Relational Understanding of the State (Katharina Schramm)

Noemie Steuer / Michelle Engeler / Elísio Salvado Macamo (eds.), Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa (Lena Kroeker)

Peter Waldmann, Der konservative Impuls. Wandel als Verlusterfahrung (Reinhart Kößler)

Sabine Dinslage / Sophia Thubauville (eds.), Seeking out wise old men. Six decades of Ethiopian Studies at the Frobenius Institute revisited (Magnus Treiber)


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