in association with CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)

Erscheint 4 x jährlich mit einem Umfang von ca. 400 S./Jg. Sprache: Englisch
Vollständig und dauerhaft archiviert via Portico
Zur Zeitschrift
Applied Economics Quarterly is an international journal publishing applied research with strong relevance for economic policy. Contributions to all arenas of economic policy are invited; in particular, growth, labor, finance and industrial organization.
The journal´s goal is to enhance economic policy-making by providing a forum for innovative and rigorous research.
AEQ is particularly interested in the following types of submissions, especially those on European policy issues:
- Empirical analyses of topics relevant to all areas of economic policy (e. g. labor and social policy, education policy, health policy, industrial policy, monetary policy, trade policy, stabilization policy and growth policy)
- Policy evaluations
- Cross-country studies
- Applications of state-of-the art econometric methods
- Shorter papers, notes and comments
Open Access-Artikel
Alle Open Access-Artikel der Zeitschrift Applied Economics Quarterly im Überblick
Die freie Verfügbarkeit der Online-Ausgaben folgender Publikationen wurde ermöglicht durch das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), Stabsstelle »Publikationen und wissenschaftliche Informationsdienste«.
Karsten Albæk
The Incidence of Employment Subsidies for Vocational Training
AEQ, Vol. 58 (2012), Issue 2
Regina Dionisius, Samuel Muehlemann, Harald Pfeifer, Günter Walden, Felix Wenzelmann, and Stefan C. Wolter
Costs and Benefits of Apprenticeship Training. A Comparison of Germany and Switzerland
AEQ, Vol. 55 (2009), Issue 1
Indexing und Abstracting
Applied Economics Quarterly ist in den folgenden Services indiziert:
– ABDC Journal Quality List (Australian Business Deans Council)
– Baidu Scholar
– CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
– CNPIEC – China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Co.
– EBSCO (relevante Datenbanken)
– EBSCO Discovery Service
– EconBiz (ZBW)
– EconLit (American Economic Association)
– Factiva (DowJones)
– GENIOS (relevante Datenbanken)
– Google Scholar
– IBR Online (DeGruyter)
– IBZ Online (DeGruyter)
– J-Gate
– Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals
– ProQuest (relevante Datenbanken)
– Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
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– Scopus (Elsevier)
– Sherpa Romeo
– Summon (Ex Libris/ProQuest)
– World Affairs Online (WAO)
– WorldCat (OCLC)
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Anzeigenpreisliste Nr. 7 (gültig ab 1. Januar 2008)
157 x 233 mm
113 x 180 mm
1/1 Seite = EUR 450,--
Umschlags. 2, 3 = EUR 500,--
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All correspondence regarding submissions to the journal should be directed to the Editorial Manager:
Deborah Anne Bowen
E-Mail: [email protected]
We welcome submissions at our Open Journal System. AEQ only considers submissions in English. All submissions are subject to a single blind refereeing process. For more details, see »submissions« at:
The editors do not accept any liability for submitted papers. Submission of a paper is understood as an offer to transfer the exclusive right of publication to the editor and publisher. Acceptance can be explicit, or implicit through the publication of the manuscript. The transferred right of publication includes the right to process data related to the manuscript and to produce further duplications for commercial purposes. The authors retain the right to grant permission for publication elsewhere after a minimum of one year. Every reprint must contain a reference to the original publication in AEQ. All royalties for reprints belong to the author.
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Geschäftsführer (Gesellschafter): Dr. Florian R. Simon (LL.M.)
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Sicherheitshinweis entsprechend Art. 9 Abs. 7 S. 2 der GPSR entbehrlich.
2022. S. 231–310
2022. S. 149–230
2022. S. 79–148
2022. S. 1–100
2021. S. 287–351
2021. S. 213–302
2021. S. 113–211
2021. S. 1–111
2020. S. 239–328
2020. S. 179–237
2020. S. 93–178
2020. S. 1–92
2019. S. 247–326
2019. S. 139–246
2019. S. 87–138
2019. S. 1–86
2018. S. 279–369
2018. S. 179–277
2018. S. 115–177
2018. S. 1–114
2017. S. 341–459
2017. S. 233–340
2017. S. 137–231
2017. S. 1–135