About Journal

The »Hegel-Jahrbuch« is the yearbook of the International Hegel Society, which was founded in 1953 by Wilhelm Raimund Beyer (1902–1990) in Nuremberg. It has been published since 1961 and was edited by W. R. Beyer until 1984, since then by the respective acting board of the Society. It documents the contributions of the International Hegel Congresses.

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Subscription price annually EUR 184,– (Institutions: Print incl. Online or E-Only¹), EUR 139,90 (Individuals: Print incl. Online or E-Only²); Single Issue (Print only) EUR 139,90

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Anzeigenpreisliste Nr. 1 (gültig ab 1. Januar 2023)


157 x 233 mm
113 x 180 mm










1/1 Seite = EUR 450,--
Umschlags. 2, 3 = EUR 500,-- 

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