Open Access-Publikationen in der Duncker & Humblot eLibrary

Open Access Publishing in Journals & Yearbooks


 |   Freedom of Choice

Open Access publications are freely accessible for everyone: permanent, without any technical obstacles and exempt from charges for the users. As an author in one of our journals you are free to choose whether the online version of your article will be distributed with costs by subscriptions, databases and single downloads or published Open Access.

Most of our journals are ›hybrid‹. They are both subscription-based and support Open Access. Click here for an up-to-date list of Hybrid Open Access journals.

 |   Article Processing Charge

In general, authors bear the production and service costs for Open Access publications usually called ›Article Processing Charges‹ (APCs). However, many university libraries, research institutes and funding organizations launched funds for Open Access publications – so check out whether your institution will sponsor your APC.

By the way: In order to prevent institutions from being charged twice we regularly offset the APCs against the journal subscription fees. Review our No Double Dipping Policy for more information.

For the current Open Access price list please head to the page Article Processing Charges per Journal.

 |   Gold & Green Open Access

›Open Access‹ here refers to the Gold road to Open Access. ›Gold Open Access‹ (GOA) articles are made accessible freely in from of the original publisher's version by the first publication. In contrast to the GOA procedure there is another form of OA publishing called the Green road to Open Access. ›Green Open Access‹ means that an article is made available freely – either immediately or delayed – usually in a ›pre-print‹ version. Please refer to the  Author's Rights Fact Sheet to learn more about your Green Open Access options.

 |   Copyright & Licenses

Our Authors always retain the copyright of their work. Open Access articles are published on the basis of ›Creative Commons‹ licenses (CC). By choosing the CC license you control how your work is used. If applicable, pay also attention on your funder's requirements.

By default we offer the following license types:

CC BYCC BY: appropriate reference to copyright holder is to be made; allows transformation and redistribution of the work without further restrictions (see

CC BY-NC-NDCC BY-NC-ND: appropriate reference to copyright holder is to be made; protects the integrity of your work, i.e. no transformation is allowed; commercial use is forbidden (see

If none of the aforementioned types are chosen we will apply the license CC BY-NC-ND.


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