Mitsukuni Yasaki

Books by this Author

2 Hits

(Ed.) |  (Ed.) |  (Ed.)

Anthropologische und ethnologische Grundlagen traditioneller und moderner Rechtssysteme / Monistic or Pluralistic Legal Culture? Anthropological and Ethnological Foundations of Traditional and Modern Legal Systems. Vorwort von / Preface by Ota Weinberger

1991. XV, 443 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 119,90 €

(Ed.) |  (Ed.) |  (Ed.)

Zeitschrift Rechtstheorie, 16. Band (1985), Heft 2/3

1985. Abb.; 129 - 336 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 49,90 €

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