Klaus König

Klaus König, Professor (retired) of Administrative Science, Government, and Public Law at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer; Director general (retired), Federal Chancellery. Studied law, economics, politics; Dr.jur., Dr.rer.pol., Ass.iur., habilitation for public law and administration. Held different academic and practical positions as research associate, professor, director of studies, senior principal, judge, President of the Speyer University, Director general, Director of the Speyer Research Institute, Vicepresident IIAS. Advisory, lecturing, research activities at German, foreign, international institutions. Interests and Publications: Government and public administration in general; modernization, transformation, development; public functions; legislation, planning, organization, civil service; supranational and international cooperation. Retired 2002. Honorary Member of the Board German Section of IIAS and of the National Academy of Public Administration/USA; Honorary Senator of the Federal School (Hochschule) of Public Administration; Great Federal Order of Merit.

Books by this Author

8 Hits

(Ed.) |  (Ed.)

Vorträge anläßlich des Festaktes zum 20jährigen Bestehen des Forschungsinstituts für öffentliche Verwaltung bei der Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer am 23. September 1996

1998. 101 S.
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from 44,90 €


Vorträge und Diskussionsbeiträge der verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Arbeitstagung 1975 der Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer

1976. Tab., Abb., 2 Ausschlagtafeln; 422 S.
Available as:  Book, Ebook

from 69,90 €

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