Volume 4.2: Special forms of criminal liability – Punishable conduct prior to the completion of an offense – Parties to crime – Criminal liability for crimes in companies, associations and other collective legal entities. France, Korea
Volume 5.2: Grounds for rejecting criminal liability – Grounds for excluding criminal liability – Grounds for terminating or expunging criminal liability. Bulgaria, France, Greece, Korea, Portugal, Sweden
Vol. 1.5: Introduction to National Systems. National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law. India, Italy, Romania, Spain
Defining criminal conduct: The criminal offense - definitions and internal structure – Objective side of the criminal offence – Subjective side of the criminal offense. Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda
Vol. 2.2: General limitations on the application of criminal law: Principle of legality – Extraterritorial jurisdiction. France, Greece, Korea, Portugal, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda
Vol. 1.4: Introduction to National Systems. National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law. Austria, France, Russia, Uganda
Vol. 1.3: Introduction to National Systems. National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law. China, Japan, Poland, Turkey
Vol. 1.1: Introduction to National Systems. National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law. England and Wales, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland
Vol. 1.2: Introduction to National Systems. National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law. Australia, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece, South Korea
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