Image: Antonio Malo
Antonio Malo

Antonio Malo, graduated in Philology and PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Università della Santa Croce (Rome), is Professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the Pontifical Università della Santa Croce. He belongs to different scientific committees and has published numerous philosophical articles in national and foreign magazines. His most important works are: »Antropologia dell'Affettività« (Rome 1999); »The Limits of Marion's and Derrida's Philosophy of the Gift« (Virginia, USA 2012), »Essere persona. Un'Antropologia dell'identità« (Rome 2013), »Yo y los otros. De la identidad a la relación« (Madrid 2016), and »Social Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue: A Relational Perspective« (Oxford 2018).

Books by this Author

1 Hits

Eine anthropologische Betrachtung zur Differenz der Geschlechter. Mit einem Geleitwort von Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz

2018. 155 S.

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