Joachim Wagner
Editorial – KombiFiD – Combined Firm Data for Germany
Elena Biewen, Anja Gruhl, Christopher Gürke, Tanja Hethey-Maier, and Emanuel Weiß
»Combined Firm Data for Germany« – Possibilities and Consequences of Merging Firm Data from Different Data Producers
Joachim Wagner
The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Enterprises from Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from a Replication Study
Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner
The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Business Services Enterprises: Evidence from a Replication Study
Elena Biewen
KombiFiD: A First Glimpse of the Bundesbank Data
European Data Watch
Andrea Lengerer, Julia H. Schroedter, Mara Boehle, and Christof Wolf
The GESIS Microcensus-Trendfile – A New Database for the Study of Social Change
Rosemarie Kay and Peter Kranzusch
The IfM Bonn Founder Panel – Design and Research Potential
Daniela Hochfellner, Dana Müller, and Anja Wurdack
Biographical Data of Social Insurance Agencies in Germany – Improving the Content of Administrative Data
Wolfgang Keck and Chiara Saraceno
Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy Indicators
Roland Olbrich, Martin F. Quaas, and Stefan Baumgärtner
A Survey of Commercial Cattle Farmers in Semi-arid Rangelands of Namibia on Risk, Management and Sustainability
Product safety
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