EU Capital Markets Union: an alluring opportunity or a blind alley? (VJH 2/2017)

The macro-perspective: CMU and risk-sharing

2017. p. 5–102.
Available as
84,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-15360-2


Hans-Helmut Kotz and Dorothea Schäfer
EU Capital Markets Union: an alluring opportunity or a blind alley? The macroperspective: CMU and risk-sharing

Andreas Breitenfellner and Helene Schuberth
Europe needs more than a Capital Markets Union – focus on the integration of euro area sovereign debt markets

Jürgen Schaaf
Does EMU require CMU?

Hans-Helmut Kotz, Willi Semmler and Ibrahim Tahri
Capital Markets Union and monetary policy performance: comes financial market variety at a cost?

Jan Friedrich and Matthias Thiemann
Capital Markets Union: the need for common laws and common supervision

Paolo D'Imperio and Waltraud Schelkle
What difference would a Capital Markets Union make for risk-sharing in the EU?

Hans-Helmut Kotz and Dorothea Schäfer
Can the Capital Markets Union deliver?


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