Die Ökonomie der Informationsgesellschaft / The Economics of Information Technology (VJH 4/2000)
2000. p. 485–695.
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Brigitte Preissl
The Economics of Information Technology Editorial

Wolfgang Seufert
The Development of the Information and Communications Sector in Germany

Hannes Selhofer
Skills Shortage vs. Job Creation: A Review of Empirical Evidence on the Issue of ICTs and Employment

Christine Bruniaux, Kirstine Hansen, Hilary Steedman, Anna Vignoles und Karin Wagner
International Trends in the Quantity and Quality of Entrants to Computer Science Courses in Higher Education

Björn Alecke und Gerhard Untiedt
Information and Communication Technologies, Globalisation and Competitiveness: A Selective Survey

Gerhard Fuchs
The Role of Geography in the Information Economy: The Case of Multimedia

Peter Leisink
Multimedia Industry Networks and Regional Economic Development Policies: The case of the Netherlands

Mark Lehrer
From Factor of Production to Autonomous Industry: The Transformation of Germany's Software Sector

Stuart Macdonald, Pat Anderson und Dieter Kimbel
Measurement or Management?: Revisiting the Productivity Paradox of Information Technology

Geoff Mason, Karin Wagner, David Finegol und Brent Keltner
The »IT Productivity Paradox« Revisited: International Comparisons of Information Technology, Work Organisation and Productivity in Service Industries

Søren Hjarup und Anders Henten
Implications of Information and Communication Technologies for Business Relations

Faridah Djellal
The Rise of Information Technologies in »Non-Informational« Services

Stefan Bach, Markus Hubbert und Walter Müller
Taxation of E-Commerce: Persistent Problems and Recent Developments

Francesco Castelli, José Luis Gómez Barroso und Claudio Leporelli
Global Universal Service and International Settlement Reform


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