All titles »Political Science«

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Background Reading on the current Situation in Syria

Cover Die Politik des Antagonismus: Zur Dynamik autoritärer Lebenswelt in Assads Syrien
»The Politics of Antagonism: Dynamics of Authoritarian Realities in Assad's Syria«: Based on Carl Schmitt's political theory, this thesis develops a qualitative analysis framework to capture authoritarian reality in Assad's Syria. Through a discourse analytical examination of the personalized understanding of sovereignty, the friend/enemy dialectic, and their intertwining with the institutionalization of a necropolitical regime of violence in Syria, the analysis confirms that Assad is the [...]

On the 80th Anniversary of the July 20 Assassination Attempt

Cover Der stille Stauffenberg
»The quiet Stauffenberg. The Conspirator, Follower of Stefan George and International Lawyer Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg«: Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg has not found a permanent place in the German collective memory. Presenting him as a confidant of his brother Claus, as an outstanding international lawyer and as a follower of the poet Stefan George, this sketch gives shape and voice to the »quiet« Stauffenberg. Since his introduction to George, he has lived under his spell.

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