All titles »Political Science«

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The Connection between Peace and Human Rights

Cover Die prekäre Verbindung von Menschenrechten und Frieden
»The Precarious Connection of Human Rights and Peace. On the Ambivalence of Liberalism and the Patterns of International Law«: Considering world affairs today and the antiliberal currents within western societies (backlash), not to mention the rise of China or Russia's ongoing war of aggression against the Ukraine, it certainly seems misguided to propagate a so-called triumph of Western values or an »end of history« as Fukuyama perceived 1992 the victory of human rights, democracy and of law [...]

Totalitarianism Research

Cover Herrschaft und Indoktrination
»Authority and Indoctrination. On the Logic of Ideocracies II«: This volume centers on the analysis of ideology-driven dictatorships (Ideocracies) and, inspired by critical rationalism and its procedures of critical verification, offers reflections on a critical theory of totali-tarianism. Research on totalitarianism encompasses the analysis of totalitarian dictatorships as well as forms of totalitarian thinking and respective modes of problem solving.

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