All titles »Law«
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The “juridical Thanatology”
»The Law of Death«: The book establishes a new field of law: the doctrine of dying and death, »legal thanatology«. All areas of law are considered together and brought into conversation with other sciences. It's about »the law against death« (homicide offenses in criminal and civil law), »the right to death« (euthanasia, suicide, assisted suicide, killing on request), »the law of death« (definition of death) and »the law of the dead« (status of the corpse, autopsy, transplantation, burial law, [...]
Background Reading on the US Elections
The short reports in this volume provide an overview of what has moved the US legally and politically during the last years. They are supplemented by contributions on the Supreme Court, the state of democracy in the US and the, especially due to Donald Trump, increased danger to the liberal constitutional system. Particularly in view of the fall elections of 2024 a valuable book that reveals many interesting problems of the current political and legal system of the United States.