All titles »History«

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The "political Code" of the National Liberals in the Bismarckian Empire

Cover Liberales Denken – der Kampf um Deutungshoheit
»Liberal Thinking. The Struggle for Sovereignty of Interpretation. The Political Style of National Liberalists in the Early Bismarckian Empire«: The early Bismarckian era saw one of the great reform phases in modern German history, in which the National Liberals played a major role. The liberal modernization program was supported by a political style that appealed to large sections of the mid-dle classes, but quickly lost its persuasive power. The study examines how promises for the future can [...]

A multifaceted Insight into aristocratic Life in the 19th Century

Cover Die Tagebücher des preußischen Hof- und Staatsbeamten Rudolf Graf von Stillfried-Alcántara 1827 bis 1882
»The Diaries of the Bohemian-Silesian Nobleman Rudolf Count of Stillfried-Alcántara (1827-1882)«: Rudolf Count von Stillfried-Alcántara (1804-1882) came from an old Bohemian-Silesian noble family. The enthronement of Frederick William IV opened up a brilliant career for him at the Berlin court. For decades Stillfried was a central protagonist of dynastic historiography, the cultivation of tradition and the politics of remembrance. His activities are documented in his 32 diaries, which he wrote [...]
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