Vom Domänenamt Schöneck zur Domäne Pogutken 1772 bis 1920

Ein Abschnitt preußischer Agrargeschichte

From the Schöneck Royal Domain Office to Domain Territory in Pogutken 1772–1920. A Chapter of Prussian Agricultural History
2022. 7 Tab., 14 Abb. (darunter 9 farb.); 192 S.
Available as
69,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-18615-0
69,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-58615-8
Price for libraries: 106,00 € [?]


»From the Schöneck Royal Domain Office to Domain Territory in Pogutken 1772–1920. A Chapter of Prussian Agricultural History«: Agricultural properties as the resources behind the financial sector – this was the motto under which Prussia ran its large royal land ownership, which is why the tax authorities shaped the lease agreements. The history of a Royal Domain Office in West Prussia that was leased out as Domain Territory after 1850 on dissolution of the hereditary leaseholds shows the disparity between officials and estate leaseholders, with the latter finding the ways and means to implement their specialist agricultural knowledge.


A. Einleitung

B. Politische Lage
Lage der Landwirtschaft — Staatliche Verwaltungsstruktur — Literatur und Quellen

C. Domänenpolitik
Definition Domänen — Domänenverwaltung — Domänenwirtschaft

D. Amt Schöneck
Von der Starostei zum Domänenamt — Die Generalpächter des Amts Schöneck

E. Epilog – Schlussbetrachtung

F. Anhang
Aktenverzeichnis — Abkürzungen — Definitionen — Begriffe — Dokumente und Literatur — Bilder, Karten und Tabellen

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