On Legal Argumentation and Justification. »Festschrift« for Aulis Aarnio
In the course of the last few decades Aulis Aarnio has made a major contribution to the process of laying of new foundations for the theory of practical legal argumentation and modern jurisprudence (legal theory, philosophy of law). He was influenced by the modern philosophy of language and by the late works of Ludwig Wittgenstein as well as being inspired by the analytical-hermeneutic philosophy of his teacher Georg Henrik von Wright.
With his original and widely acknowledged research in law and legal systems and the rationality of the resulting scholarly interpretation which have been crowned and honoured with the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award in the field of the Humanities he has changed the face of modern legal science, above all, that of juridical or legal method, the methodology of law and the social sciences and of legal and social theory, the latter in his capacity as editor-in-chief of »Associations«, a new periodical from the same publisher.
The »Festschrift« was presented to him on his 60th birthday in the name of his friends and colleagues from all over the world in a specially hand-crafted copy. This book is a kind of handbook to his discipline and contains very profound and sophisticated responses to his magnum opus, »The Rational as Reasonable. A Treatise on Legal Justification«, which has determined and significantly advanced contemporary research in the field of legal and scholarly interpretation and argumentation. It deals with nearly all the central issues in the application of law and its justification.
Inhalt: W. Krawietz, Hommage à Professor Aulis Aarnio to his 60th Birthday - R. Alexy, Recht und Richtigkeit - Å. Frändberg, The Relation between Norm and Reality as a Key to the Understanding of Law - H. Klenner, Aufklärungshistorisches zur Gerechtigkeit als Rechtfertigung des Rechts - M.-R. Ollila, Moral Relativism and Social Criticism - M. Troper, Jefferson et l'interprétation de la Déclaration des droits de l'Homme de 1789 - G. Bergholtz, Rationality and Reasonableness of Judicial Decisions. Some Thoughts from the Swedish Point of View on Judges' Decision-Making - J. Dalberg-Larsen, Changing Conceptions of Legal Rationality - R. Martin, On Hohfeldian Liberties - I. Niiniluoto, Is it Rational to be Rational? - V. Petev, Die Rationalität einer sozio-axiologischen Konzeption des Rechts - E. Bulygin, On Norm Propositions - T. Gizbert-Studnicki, Types of Vagueness - R. Guibourg, The Concept of Reasonability and the Argumentative Tree - A. Peczenik, Certainty or Coherence? - G. H. von Wright, On Norms and Norm-Propositions. A Sketch - Z. Bańkowski / N. MacCormick, Legality without Legalism - J. Bjarup, Authority and Roles - W. Krawietz, New Constitutional Patriotism versus Legalism? On how to Differentiate between Legal Systems and the Modern State - B. M. Leiser, Custom as Constitutive of Law - E. Pattaro, Language and Behaviour. An Introduction to the Normative Dimension - S. Strömholm, Rationality and Goal-Setting: Tasks for Legal Scholars? - K. Tuori, The Supreme Courts and Democracy. Who are the Princes of Law's Empire? - M. Schulte, Prolegomena zu einer Theorie und Dogmatik des Rechtsdenkens - M. Sintonen, Fact and Value: The Copernican Revolution in the Sciences of Man - R. S. Summers, The Formality of Rules - S. Urbina, Law, Legal Dogmatics, Progress - O. Weinberger, Wertediskurs in Moral, Recht und Politik - E. Garzón Valdés, Democratic Consensus: Foundation and Limits of the Role of Minorities - S. L. Paulson, On Hans Kelsen's Role in the Formation of the Austrian Constitution and his Defense of Constitutional Review - K. Pietilä, Normative Sociology - M. Samu, Rechtsordnung und sozietale Gesetzlichkeit - A. Squella Narducci, Democracy and the Law - R. Zimmerling, Power and Freedom. A Comment on the Conception of Felix Oppenheim - P. Comanducci, Legal Interpretation. A Tentative Report - S. Eng, Does the Doctrine of Precedent Apply to Judicial Arguments Concerning the Doctrine of Sources of Law? - H. Tapani Klami, Cosmos and Chaos in Law and Legal Theory - G. Marshall, Values, Intentions, Objectives and Purposes. Some Fallacies about Statutory Interpretation - R. Vázquez, Rights and Tolerance - L. J. Wintgens, On Coherence and Consistency - G. Holmström-Hintikka, Reasonable Doubt - R. Narits, Aulis Aarnios Wertungsjurisprudenz und ihre Bedeutung für eine vergleichende Rechtstheorie - D. Wyduckel, Rechtsbereinigung als gesetzgebungstechnisches und rechtstheoretisches Problem - M. Zirk-Sadowski, Rationality of Legal Discourse in Relation to Legal Ethics - W. Krawietz, Aulis Aarnio. Analytische Jurisprudenz und Neue Hermeneutik im Dienste des Rechts
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