Roman Schnur in Osteuropa 1971–1996
Roman Schnur in Eastern Europe, 1971-1996
2021. 4 Abb.; 269 S.
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79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-18216-9
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-58216-7
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»Roman Schnur in Eastern Europe, 1971-1996«: Roman Schnur (1927-1996) was a leading member of the German post war public law academic community. He could be described as a ›thinker‹, someone who could draw conclusions which others had not considered. He embraced the new area of Public Administration, and was a historian of the Constitution. His extensive interests and his broad allround education contributed to his emergence as a bridge builder, for example with Poland, Hungary and (the then) Czechoslovakia, or what can be called Central Europe. He was equally interested in France and Italy. As a gifted linguist he was an excellent essayist of the highest standards. He was also what is nowadays called a ›networker‹. His greatest influence was in relation to Poland, where he was seen as a legendary, much lauded individual. Schnur did not ignore the martial law period in Poland, nor did he hide his relationship with Carl Schmitt. He was unwavering in his views and attracted considerable criticism. This was as a university academic enjoying academic freedom as seldom experienced today.


A. Einführung: Zur Person von Roman Schnur
Meine Begegnung mit Roman Schnur – Feuilletonismus als Wissenschaft – Roman Schnurs wissenschaftlicher Lebensweg – Das staats- und verwaltungswissenschaftliche Werk – Das essayistische Werk und Polen – Das Nachwirken – Zur Auswahl der nachfolgenden Schriften
B. Polen
Essays – Reiseberichte
C. Tschechien, Slowakei und Ungarn
Essays – Reiseberichte

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