Risikomanagement – dargestellt an Beispielen aus der Logistik
Risk Management – Presented in Case Studies
2022. 102 Abb. (darunter 1 farb.); 296 S.
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49,90 €
ISBN 978-3-89673-775-5
49,90 €
ISBN 978-3-89644-775-3
Price for libraries: 399,00 € [?]


»Risk Management – Presented in Case Studies«: The Topics Logistics and Risk Management are still in focus of the economy and there for also in administration and economics. The book affords a well-structured access to the topic. It concerns with kinds of risks that logistic service providers and also the logistic departments of industry and commercial enterprises are exposed. Taken into account are internal and also external risks. This involves risk identification, risk analysis and the risk assessment and controlling. Instruments such as early warning- and key-performance-indicator-systems are explained, also those for determining the extent of risk and probability and for the analysis of risk circumstances and their influence. Finally, organizational issues related to risk management.


1. Externe Risiken im Risikomanagement

2. Unternehmens- bzw. Betriebsrisiken

3. Risiken von Logistikdienstleistern

4. Logistikrisiken in Industrie und Handel

5. Risikoidentifikation

6. Risikoanalyse und Risikobewertung

7. Risikosteuerung

8. Risikoüberwachung/-controlling

9. Frühwarn- und Kennzahlensysteme

10. Szenario-Analyse

11. Risiko-Dokumentation

12. Risikoausmaß- und -wahrscheinlichkeitsklassen

13. Risk Map bzw. Risiko-Portfolio

14. Finanz- und Liquiditätsplanung

15. Risiko-Kontroll-Matrix

16. Rating als sonstiges Instrument des Risikomanagements

17. Risikomöglichkeits- und -einflussanalyse

18. Risikomanagementorganisation in der Logistik von Industrie und Handel und in Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung


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