Both in religious and in secular culture there is an acute awareness that poverty, destitution, and misery should be eliminated, and that it is possible to achieve this goal. Despite this common aim, strategies for fighting poverty vary widely among the disciplines. This book interprets poverty in the light of Christian faith and ventures beyond the dual public-private model. Pope Francis has called on business leaders around the world to spread a new mindset in business that acknowledges the poor and the marginalized. In doing so, he deplores inequality and injustice. These concepts pose an intellectual challenge to Christian humanism, which the authors, leading scholars on the subject, take up. The book opens with a series of chapters on the economic dimensions of poverty, inequality, and injustice, and turns to the philosophical and theological aspects in its second part. Even though rigorously academic, the ideas in this book are transformative. The social market economy places the human person at the center of the economy, and it offers a model that can be implemented, under this or other names, in many parts of the world.
Part I: Poverty
Roger Myerson
Public Political Capital for Economic Development
Joseph Kaboski
Christian Humanism and Poverty in the World
Gerhard Kruip
Ethical and Theological Aspects of Poverty According to Pope Francis
Marcelo F. Resico
Poverty, its Causes and Orientations to Remedy. A Social Market Economy Point of View
Part II: Injustice and Inequality
Maria Sophia Aguirre
Inequality and Growth: Exploring a Relational Dimension
Daniel Haun
Through the Eyes of Children: A Develompmental Psychologist's View on Fairness
Bruce D. Baker
Gleaning as a Transformational Business Model for Solidarity with the Poor and Marginalized
Brian Griffiths
The Challenge of Inequality
Martin Schlag
Justice and Partiality for the Poor and Marginalized
John Buchmann
Whose Injustice? Which Inequality? Trajectories in Catholic Social Teaching
Arnd Küppers
Equality in Catholic Social Teaching and the Concept of Social Justice
Part III: Case studies
Domènec Melé, Alejandro Moreno-Salamanca and Juan Manuel Parra
A Hybrid Corporate Community Involvement in an Impoverished Neighborhood: Analysis of a Case Study from the Catholic Social Teaching Perspective
Odra Angélica Saucedo Delgado
The Moral Content of the Reciprocity Systems Amongst Poor Families: A Case Study in Three Townships Located Within Mexico City's Metropolitan Area
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