Ökonomie und Evolution

Studien zur Entwicklung der ökonomischen Theorie XXXVI

Economics and Evolution
2020. 2 Tab., 7 Abb.; 250 S.
Available as
89,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-18083-7
ISBN 978-3-428-58083-5


»Economics and Evolution«

This conference volume of the German Association on the History of Economic Thought gives a survey on the history of evolution theory, explores the importance of biological concepts for evolutionary change in economics, patterns of structural change, development traps, and suggests an evolutionary interpretation of modern equilibrium models. Further chapters cast a philosophical perspective on Schumpeter‘s theory of development und inspect normative claims of Hayek’s theory of market evolution.

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Open Access for this ebook on the basis of a CC BY 4.0 license is made possible through ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft.


Kurt Dopfer
Die Idee der Evolution in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften

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Evolution aus makroökonomischer Perspektive

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