Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch

17. Band (1976)

1978. Frontispiz, 4 Bildtafeln; VI, 411 S.
Available as
89,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-04119-0
89,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-44119-8
Price for libraries: 136,00 € [?]
111,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-74119-9
expected to be available from January 1978
Price for libraries: 166,00 € [?]


The Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch (Yearbook of Literary Studies) was founded in 1926 by Günther Müller with the aim to publish both research and literary texts. The Jahrbuch was banned by the Nazis in 1939 and re-founded by the German scholar Hermann Kunisch in 1960; the new series has now grown to 17 volumes. The trans-disciplinary journal publishes articles on German, English and American literature, as well as literature in the Romance languages. Articles may be written in German or the languages of the respective fields. Each volume also comprises a substantial review section. Early career scholars are encouraged to submit their manuscripts.

The Literaturwissenschaftliche Jahrbuch is not restricted to any specific method or school. It focuses on texts and developments from the Middle Ages to the present. With a view to exploring the multilingual and transcultural dimension of the literatures involved, emphasis will be given to comparative approaches.


Inhalt: J.-U. Fechner, Paul Gerhardts Lied. Tradition und Innovation - A. Fuss, Racines 'Athalie' - W. Kreutzer, Corneille und das Tragische - E. E. Metzner, "Der leidige Trompeter Till". Unerkannte Steffens-Persiflagen in J. Baggesens 'Vollendetem Faust' und in den 'Literarischen Scherzen' A. W. Schlegels - H.-J. Ortheil, Idylle und Reflexion. Zur Geschichtlichkeit von Jean Pauls 'Wutz' - B. Hillebrand, Frühe Nietzsche-Rezeption in Deutschland - F. H. Link, Emily Dickinson: Kunst als Sakrament - J. Meyer, Madonna-Kore und Mänade. Zeugnisse zum Wandel des Frauenbildes im Werk René Schickeles zwischen 1907 und 1917 - E. Pfeiffer, Rilke und die Psychoanalyse - K. Weissenberger, Dissonanzen und neugestimmte Saiten. Eine Typologie der Exillyrik - H. F. Pfanner, Friedrich Sally Grosshut. Nachlaßbericht - R. Pichl, Das Werk Ingeborg Bachmanns. Probleme und Aufgaben

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