Vorwort von / Preface by Roberto J. Vernengo
Inhalt: J.-L. Gardies, Logique Formelle et Raisonnement Juridique - H. Schreiner, Formal Logic and Legal Reasoning - M. P. Golding, Aesthetics and Legal Reasoning: A Strand in American Legal Thought - S. G. Jensen, Ross on Liberty - V. Knapp, Zwischenbeziehungen in der juristischen Logik - A. A. Martino, Trends in the Application of Logic to the Automated Analysis of Legislation - A. Menne, Mehrwertige Logik im juristischen Denken - R. Sève, Une Formalisation du Libéralisme Juridique - L. Åqvist, On the Logical Syntax or Linguistic Deep Structure of Certain Crime Descriptions: Prolegomena to the Doctrine of Criminal Intent - V. A. Menchaca, Die Egologische Theorie und ihre Rechtsontologie - A. Edel, Limits under a Non-Rationalistic Rationality - M. D. Farrell, Practical Reasoning and Judicial Decision - Å. Frändberg, Some Aspects of Rationality in Legislation - Z. Ziembiński, Two Concepts of Rationality in Legislation - U. Lohmann, Systematik, Methode und Intention der Sozialwissenschaften und der Rechtswissenschaft - N. MacCormick, The Limits of Rationality in Legal Reasoning - R. Dreier, Irrationalismus in der Rechtswissenschaft - E. Pattaro, No Values from Rationality - D. A. J. Richards, Legal Interpretation and Rationality - N. Roos, Some Reflections on the Social Function of Legal Language -A. Sajó, Technocratic Fallacies and the So-Called Legislative Rationality - L. S. Sheleff, Irrationality in Law and Society. A Critique of Weber's Sociology of Law - F. Terré, Définir le Droit? - H. P. Visser't Hooft, On Limits of Rationality: Some Terminological Remarks - R. Weimar, Die Rekonstruktion von Rechtsvernunft - E. Zalten, Die rationalen Methoden der Sozialwissenschaften und das Problem der Grenzen des Rationalismus angesichts der normativen Humanität - M. Zirk-Sadowski, Rationality of Legal Axiology - M. D. Bayles, Courts vs. Legislature as Protectors of Human Rights - J. Ellin, The Rights of Homosexuals and the Principles of Liberalism - V. E. Gulyev, About the Human Rights' Social Importance - J. Kleinig, Paternalism and Personal Integrity - T. Laker, Ziviler Ungehorsam und bundesdeutsches Verfassungsrecht - A. Lopatka, The Significance of Human Rights in the Legal System - B. J. Narain, Absolutism vs. Relativism in Social and Legal Philosophy: Human Rights - B. Nazarov, Legal Relations of Responsibility in the Field of Human Rights - J. J. Paust, The Incorporation of Human Rights into Domestic Law - R. Tamayo, The Functioning of Human Rights in the Legal System - K. E. Tranøy, Civil Disobedience. A Question of Law and/or Morality? - L. D. Eriksson, On Moral Justification of Civil Disobedience