Persuasion im europäischen Verfassungsgerichtsverbund
»Judicial Persuasion. A Rhetorical View on the Multilevel Cooperation of European Constitutional Courts«: The author argues that constitutional courts can be understood as rhetorical actors and that their decisions can be read as persuasive texts. To this end, he analyses the reasoning of decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, the Austrian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice. His interdisciplinary approach highlights the importance of rhetoric as a means of facilitating acceptance of judicial decisions.
A. Einleitung
B. Theorie: Gerichte als rhetorische Akteure begreifen
C. Methodologie: Gerichtsentscheidungen als persuasive Texte verstehen
D. Analyse: Gerichtsentscheidungen als persuasive Texte lesen
E. Schluss