Eigentumsrecht und Enteignungsunrecht

Analysen und Beiträge zur Vergangenheitsbewältigung, Teil 3

2012. 234 S.
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Coming to terms with the past in accordance with the rule of law calls for more than those – necessary – efforts of governmental culture policies of remembrance. For remedying and compensation of the expulsion and expropriation after the Second World War something has to be done. Where governmental injustice raged, a constitutional state cannot and must not leave the victims and their relatives alone with the consequences. Some positive basic approaches of a deepened legal consciousness are visible here, as are, however, certain persistent deficits. It is necessary to wrest this topic away from political manipulation and tabooing by keeping the discourse open about justice in coming to terms with the past on a national level as well as across national boundaries and by reconciling it with the European fundamental principles of law, freedom and property. The third symposium of the Study Group for Politics and International Public Law (after 2006 and 2008) again aims at contributing analyses and inputs to that process. The volume is to publish the revised and updated reports given in 2010.


Otto Depenheuer
Das alte Eigentum und die Eigentumsgarantie des Grundgesetzes – Zwischen Vergessen, Erinnern und Wiedergutmachung


Hans-Peter Folz
Das Recht der Staatenverantwortlichkeit als Quelle effektiver Restitutionspolitik?


Albrecht Wendenburg
Eigentumsrestitutionsansprüche und Regeln zum begünstigten Flächenerwerb


Hermann-Josef Rodenbach
Die Praxis des Entschädigungsrechts


Johannes Wasmuth
Notwendige strafrechtliche Rehabilitierung der Verfolgungsmaßnahmen gegen Opfer der »Boden- und Wirtschaftsreform«


Jan Filip
Einige Probleme der Vergangenheitsbewältigung am Beispiel der Restitutionen in der Tschechischen Republik


Andrzej Wróbel
Wiedergutmachung durch Restitution im deutsch-polnischen Verhältnis – im Lichte der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und des Obersten Gerichtshofs


Hans-Detlef Horn
Zum Umgang des Rechtsstaats mit vorangegangenem Unrecht


Nachwort – Ein Rückblick auf drei Fachtagungen

Die Autoren

Sach- und Personenverzeichnis

Otto Depenheuer
Old Property and the Guarantee of Property – Between Forgetting, Remembering and Compensation


Hans-Peter Folz
The Law of State Responsibility as a Source of Effective Restitution Policy?


Albrecht Wendenburg
Claims of Restitution of Property and Regulations of Privileged Land Acquisition


Hermann-Josef Rodenbach
The Practice of Loss Compensation


Johannes Wasmuth
Necessary Rehabilitation under Criminal Law Aspects of the Measures of Persecution Used Against Victims of the «Land and Industry Reform«


Jan Filip
Selected Problems of the Process of Coming to Terms with the Past at the Example of Restitutions in the Czech Republic


Andrzej Wróbel
Compensation by Restitution in the German-Polish Relationship – In Respect of the Jurisdiction of the ECtHR and the Supreme Court


Hans-Detlef Horn
About the Constitutional State Dealing with Former Injustice


Closing Remarks – A Retrospective View of Three Symposia

The Authors

Subject Index and List of Names

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