Die Ethik der ökonomischen Rationalität
The Ethics of Economic Rationality
2019. 353 S.
Available as
109,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-15708-2
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136,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-85708-1
Price for libraries: 202,00 € [?]


»The Ethics of Economic Rationality«
Despite the boom in interest in its subjects, the academic discipline of business ethics has an unsteady base. Often flanked by cynical comments, it moves within the particular tension between ethics and morals. With a focus on the areas of conflict between business science and ethics, the insufficient philosophical basis of business ethics is retrospectively established in part. At the same time, the comprehensive reconstruction of the theory history and academic theory of the guiding principle of economic rationality provides a good introduction into this field of specialism. The book stands out for a perspective, among other things, that is independent from the standard business ethics schools. The open discussion of conflicts and differences between economics and ethics is here considered as a key component for a stronger foundation of business ethics – a discipline with a complex and growing field of activity.


A. Einleitung

B. Ökonomische Rationalität als Grundlage der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Homo oeconomicus und ökonomische Rationalität – Weitere Grundannahmen der Ökonomik – Koordinationsmechanismus Markt

C. Ökonomische Rationalität aus theoriegeschichtlicher Perspektive

Adam Smith als Wegbereiter der ökonomischen Rationalität – Die Konsolidierung der ökonomischen Rationalität durch John Stuart Mill

D. Integrative Ansätze der Wirtschaftsethik

Einführung – Karl Homanns ökonomische Ethik – Peter Koslowskis Theorie der »ethischen Ökonomie« – Peter Ulrichs Ansatz der integrativen Wirtschaftsethik – Resümee

E. Ökonomie und Ethik

Warum Ökonomik die Ethik nicht los wird – Philosophische Wirtschaftsethik – Ausblick

Literatur- und Stichwortverzeichnis

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