Winfried Baumgart (Ed.)
Friedel, Mathias (Ed.)
Der König und sein Beichtvater
Friedrich Wilhelm IV. und Carl Wilhelm Saegert. Briefwechsel 1848 bis 1856. Red.: Mathias Friedel
2016. 4 Bildtafeln; 490 S.
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In the turmoil of the revolution of 1848 the vacillating Prussian king Frederick William IV found support in Carl Wilhelm Saegert, director of a school for the deaf and dumb in Berlin. This individual gave the king advice in all matters of domestic and foreign policy. Not being a member of the aristocracy Saegert could not gain access to a governmental post and therefore had do play his role through the back door. – In addition to their secret correspondence Saegert's diary for the revolutionary months of 1848 is published in extenso.
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Anhang: Tagebuch Carl Wilhelm Saegert März – November 1848
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