Das Wesen der strafprozessualen Revision
The Essence of Criminal Procedural Review in German Law
2018. 244 S.
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111,90 €
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»The Essence of Criminal Procedural Review in German Law«

The thesis uses an interpretation of § 337 StPO to determine the nature of criminal procedural review in German law. On the one hand, the audit scope of the Review Court for procedural complaints is systematized and delimited, and on the other hand, its authority to assess its own penalty and the dogmatic basis of the so called extended review are discussed. A differentiating purpose for procedural and substantive complaints is then proposed. Five conclusions sum up the essence of the review.


1. Einleitung

2. Begriffsbestimmung und Methodik

3. Ausgangpunkt der Untersuchung

Stand nach Literatur und Rechtsprechung – Einwände – Zusammenfassung

4. Das Wesen der Revision ausweislich § 337 StPO

Wortlaut und Systematik von § 337 StPO – Zweck von § 337 StPO

5. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse und Folgerungen

Literatur- und Sachverzeichnis

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