Bilanzanalyse – leicht gemacht
Financial Statement Analysis – leicht gemacht
2024. 40 Leitsätze; 9 Übersichten; 138 S.
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17,90 €
ISBN 978-3-87440-390-0
17,90 €
ISBN 978-3-87440-790-8
Price for libraries: 449,00 € [?]
16,99 €
ISBN 978-3-87440-490-7


»Financial Statement Analysis – leicht gemacht«: The book offers a user-friendly introduction to financial statement analysis, focusing on key financial ratios and their interpretation. It specifically addresses vital metrics such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency ratios. Through practical case studies and exercises, readers have the opportunity to deepen their understanding and gain insights into the financial performance of companies. The book caters to students, and young financial analysts alike.

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