Antarctic Challenge III

Conflicting Interests, Cooperation Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium July 7th - 12th, 1987. Organized by the Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel and the Alfred-Wegener-Inst

1988. Abb.; 589 S.
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Inhalt: J. A. Heap, The Role of Scientific Advice for the Decision-Making Process in the Antarctic Treaty System - R. Tucker Scully, The Institutional Development of the Antarctic Treaty System: The Question of a Secretariat - A. L. Davérède, Comment - P. Quilty, Cooperation in Antarctica in Scientific and Logistic Matters: Status and Means of Improvement - S. A. Hajost, International Agreements Applicable to Antarctica: A Survey - P. Birnie, Effect of Article VI of the Antarctic Treaty on Scientific Research - E. Augstein, Air, Sea, Ice Interactions in the Antarctic Pack Ice Region - D. Sahrhage, CCAMLR. Its Practical Side: The Polarstern Expedition - D. K. Fütterer, Geology and Geophysics of the Weddell Sea - J. C. Behrendt, Geophysical and Geological Research in Antarctica Related to the Assessment of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and Potential Environmental Hazards - F. Tessensohn, Geophysical and Geological Data in Antarctica. The Overlap Between Science and Prospection - C. Joyner, Antarctic Resources and Remote Sensing by Satellite: The Interplay of Technology, Mission and Law - R. Woolcott, The Legitimacy of the United Nations' Challenge to the Antarctic Treaty - A. Koroma, Safeguarding the Interests of Mankind in the Use of Antarctica - C. Maquieira, The Question of Antarctica at the United Nations: The End of Consensus? - M. Haron, The Issue of Antarctica. A Commentary - F. Sollie, The Legitimacy of Concluding an Antarctic Mineral Resources Regime among the Antarctic Treaty Parties - S. Li, Comment: The Legitimacy of Negotiating an Antarctic Mineral Resources Convention among the Antarctic Treaty Parties - A. D. Watts, Lessons to be Learned from the Mineral Resources Negotiations - N. Roncagliolo, Non-Consultative Parties: The Peruvian Approach to the Antarctic Treaty System and to Antarctic Mineral Resources - B. Johnson Theutenberg, Comment - G. J. Mangone, The

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