Antarctic Challenge

Conflicting Interests, Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium June 22nd - 24th, 1983

1984. Abb.; 253 S.
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Inhalt: F. Sollie, The Development of the Antarctic Treaty System - T. Gjelsvik, Scientific Research and Cooperation in Antarctica - D. Sahrhage, Present Knowledge of Living Marine Resources in the Antarctic, Possibilities for their Exploitation and Scientific Perspectives - R. Lagoni, Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Living. Resources: A Model for the Use of a Common Good? - G. Hempel, Antarctic Research in the Federal Republic of Germany - R. Wolfrum, The Use of Antarctic Non-Living Resources: The Search for a Trustee? - S. Müller, The Impact of UNCLOS III on the Antarctic Regime - F. Tessensohn, Present Knowledge of Non-Living Resources in the Antarctic, Possibilities for their Exploitation and Scientific Perspectives - L. Kappen, Ecological Aspects of an Exploitation of the Non-Living Resources of the Antarctic

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