Alternative Sanktionsformen zu Freiheits- und Geldstrafe im Strafrecht ausgewählter europäischer Staaten / Alternative Sanctions in Criminal Law Excluding Imprisonment and Fines in Selected European Countries
Alternative Sanctions in Criminal Law Excluding Imprisonment and Fines in Selected European Countries
2015. Tab., Abb.; 166 S. Enthält E-Book (PDF-Datei) & Broschur
Available as
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-14711-3
79,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-54711-1
Price for libraries: 120,00 € [?]
99,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-84711-2
Price for libraries: 146,00 € [?]


»Alternative Sanctions in Criminal Law Excluding Imprisonment and Fines in Selected European Countries«

The Proceedings includes texts of the presentations made at the Symposium Alternative sanctions in criminal law excluding imprisonment and fines in selected European countries (2014). The contributions of six international experts – some in English and some in German – examine from the perspectives of German, Italian, Dutch, Austrian, Swiss, and Spanish criminal sentencing law – whether there are other, more expedient criminal sanctions than fines or imprisonment available to the State.


Laura Peters
Dutch Alternatives to Imprisonment and Fines

Christoph Zehetgruber
Spezifika des deutschen Sanktionenrechts

Viktoria Moser
Besonderheiten des österreichischen Sanktionenrechts

Juan Carlos Ortiz Pradillo
Alternative Sanctions in Spanish Criminal Law, Excluding Imprisonment and Fines: Present and Future

Cathrine Konopatsch
Geht es auch anders? Das Sanktionenrepertoire neben Freiheits- und Geldstrafe im Erwachsenenstrafrecht der Schweiz

Attilio Nisco
Alternativen zur Strafe im italienischen Recht


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