The Minority Issue: Law and the Crisis of Representation
2009. 368 S.
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The interdisciplinary essays gathered in this book reconstruct the history of democracy and democratic theories from the perspective of the minority issue. How do democracies deal with their minorities? Do minorities participate in the construction of political will? By what mechanisms does social discrimination against minorities turn violent? How does it happen that minorities are considered "enemies"? What are the normative foundations of the UN minority protection system and the establishment of an International Criminal Court for crimes committed mainly against "groups"? How can universal human rights be reconciled with minority rights? To discuss these questions, the common theoretical reference for the essays in this book is the work of the jurist Hans Kelsen. In 1925, Kelsen criticized democracy as based on a fiction: the "fiction of representation". Since political freedom means the faculty of a people to give themselves their own law, only the represented majority is free - but not the minority. Kant, Hegel, Tocqueville, Benjamin, Lemki, Foucault, Habermas, Honneth and Taylor are some of the authors who are addressed herein for further reflection on the minority issue.


Inhalt: S. Nour, Introduction: Minorities in Context - Part 1: Experiences of Representation: S. Rudischhauser, Minderheitenschutz durch Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Demokratietheoretische Überlegungen Hans Kelsens im historischen Kontext - K.-P. Sick, Le libéralisme face au parlementarisme démocratisé en France. Histoire de crise d'un courant politique devenu minorité (1885 - 1940) - D. Schulz, Minderheit, Mehrheit, Allgemeinheit: Die Krise der Repräsentation im Spannungsfeld des französischen Republikanismus bei Pierre Rosanvallon - Part 2: Denial of Representation. The Enemy Issue, Totalitarianism and Genocide: R. Baumert, Carl Schmitt contre le parlementarisme weimarien; quatorze ans de rhétorique réactionnaire - C.-L. Buis, L'ennemi intérieur, minorité sans droit? - F. R. D'Avila, Die materialen Grenzen des Strafrechts. Rechtlicher Ausschluss von Minderheiten durch Feindstrafrecht - N. Werber, Kann man Deutschland repräsentieren? - O. Remaud, La langue des temps sombres. Canetti, Klemperer, Benjamin - N. Capdevila, Raphaël Lemkin et la redéfinition du génocide - Part 3: The Principles of Representation. The Legacy of Kant, Hegel and Critical Theory: B. Jakl, Die praktische Realität der Repräsentation bei Kelsen und Kant - O. Eberl, Parlamentarismus und Repräsentation. Zum Problem nicht-repräsentierter Minderheiten - A. Tilkorn, Wo ist das Allgemeine? Hegel zur politischen Repräsentation - L. C. Pessoa, Legal certainty and the representation of minorities - M. St-Hilaire, De la représentation de la minorité à la reconnaissance des minorités - M. Kaufmann, Mehrheitsregel und Minderheitenschutz


»The volume will be highly interesting for political science researchers, professors, students.« Dr. Vasiliki Saranti, in: Revue Hellenique des Droit de l'Homme, 57/2013

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