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Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison
2003. Tab., Abb.; 355 S.
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As the study of administrative reform has progressed over the past decades, worthy descriptive research on these changes has accumulated across a number of countries. This volume seeks to push the analysis beyond said first generation of research, focusing on the »paradoxes« or unintended effects of public sector reform. Therefore, it does not attempt to provide a detailed description of administrative change in the 14 systems considered, but to analyse them selectively from a »paradox perspective«, i.e. highlighting apparently surprising or unintended aspects of administrative reform.

The administrative systems discussed in this volume include not only the developed industrial democracies, but also transitional and developing countries such as the People's Republic of China and the former socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, the European Union is analysed as a compound administrative system constructed from its constituent parts.


Inhalt: J. J. Hesse / C. Hood / B. G. Peters, Introduction - B. G. Peters, The Failure of Managerial Reform in a Managerial Society: Public Sector Reform in the United States - J. P. Burns, Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in the People's Republic of China - A. Nakamura, Reform in Japan's Public Management: The Changing Role of Bureaucrats, Paradoxes and Dilemmas - J. Halligan, Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in Australia and New Zealand - C. Hood, From Public Bureaucracy State to Re-regulated Public Service: The Paradox of British Public Sector Reform - P. Lægreid / P. G. Roness, Administrative Reform Programmes and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government - J. Pierre, When the Bottom Line is the Bottom Line: Public Sector Reform in Sweden - J. J. Hesse, Stability Turned Rigidity. Paradoxes in German Public Sector Development - T. A. J. Toonen, Substance Came with Little Hype. Public Sector Reform in the Netherlands - G. Carcassonne, Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: The Case of France - G. della Cananea, Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in Italy - A. Ágh, Regional Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in East Central Europe - D. Dimitrakopoulos / E. C. Page, Paradoxes in EU Administration - J. J. Hesse / C. Hood / B. G. Peters, Conclusion


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