(Hrsg.) |  (Hrsg.)
Interactions Between Economy and Ecology
1994. Tab., Abb.; 240 S.
Erhältlich als
59,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-08162-2
versandfertig innerhalb von 2–6 Werktagen
59,90 €
ISBN 978-3-428-48162-0
sofort lieferbar
Preis für Bibliotheken: 90,00 € [?]


This publication contains the papers of the 14th Joint Seminar of the Faculties of Economics at the University of Nagoya and the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg. Its topic is of great relevance now and will be of even greater importance in the future: "Interactions between Economy and Ecology". The papers cover a variety of aspects of ecological policy, ranging from theoretical basic research, empirical studies, business experiences to legal problems. The interested reader will get a good insight into different points of view of environmental policy.


Inhalt: T. Dams, Japanese and German Positions in the International Debate on Economical and Ecological Issues - T. Matsugi, Recent Studies on Environmental Problems in Japan. A Survey - G. Blümle, The Importance of Environmental Policy for International Competitiveness - H. Yanagioka, Evaluation of Environmental Costs in Japan - H.-H. Francke / K. Blind, Environmental Policy in the European Community. A Critical Perspective - S. Hauser, A General System Theory Approach Towards a Better Understanding of Environmental Economics - R. Okumura, A Dynamic Analysis of Global Warming - Y. Arayama, General Equilibrium Analysis of CO2 Levies and Emission Rights - Y. Nishijima, Internalization of Environmental Costs for Sustainable Development. Learning from the History of Fighting Sulfur Dioxide in Japan - Y. Takeshi, Transfer of Environmental Technology. Transfer Technology and Roles of Non-profit Institutions - M. Aoyagi, Environmental Activities among Lay People. The Analysis of the Attributes of People Who are Aware of Environmental Activities - T. Kishida, Organizing for Environmental Management - H.-J. Brink, Designing Environmental Protection within Organizations in the Federal Republic of Germany: Concepts and Perspectives - K. Meyer / F. Schober / M. Siefert, Information Systems for Waste Disposal Management - G. Müller / T. Hummel / D. Schoder / F. Stoll / R. Strauß, Information Technology and Traffic Issues. Shifting the Point of View


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