German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 59 (2016)

2017. 658 S.
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The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.


FORUM: Paris Climate Agreement

Jorge E. Viñuales
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Less is More

FOCUS: Frozen Conflicts: How Does PIL Deal with Them?

Thomas D. Grant
Three Years After Annexation: Of ›Frozen Conflicts‹ and How to Characterise Crimea

Milena Sterio
Self-Determination and Secession Under International Law: Nagorno-Karabakh

Christopher J. Borgen
Moldova: Law and Complex Crises in a Systemic Borderland

Enrico Milano
Unfreezing and Settling the Conflict over Kosovo

Juan Soroeta
The Conflict in Western Sahara After Forty Years of Occupation: International Law versus Realpolitik

Nikos Skoutaris
The Paradox of the Europeanisation of Intrastate Conflicts


Andreas Kulick
From Problem to Opportunity?: An Analytical Framework for Vagueness and Ambiguity in International Law

Lando Kirchmair
What Came First: The Obligation or the Belief? A Renaissance of Consensus Theory to Make the Normative Foundations of Customary International Law More Tangible

Paul Behrens
The Crime of Genocide and the Problem of Subjective Substantiality

Philipp Janig and Sarah Mansour Fallah
Certain Iranian Assets: The Limits of Anti-Terrorism Measures in Light of State Immunity and Standards of Treatment

Christoph Schewe
Clearing Up? Transparency in the Dispute Settlement of International Trade Agreements

Lilian Richieri Hanania
The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development in EU Trade Agreements: Strengthening International Labour Standards


Thomas Giegerich
In Germany International Law may be Honoured in the Breach: The Federal Constitutional Court Gives the Legislature Carte Blanche to Override Treaties

Felix Telschow
»Gliding O'er All«: Human Dignity and Constitutional Identity in the Federal Constitutional Court's Recent

Mareike Nürnberg and David Schenk
Deployment of Soldiers for the Protection of Nationals Abroad and Inner-State Justification: The German Federal Constitutional Court's Decision on the Operation of German Military in Libya

Berenike Schriewer
The German Federal Constitutional Court's First Reference for a Preliminary Ruling to the European Court of Justice: A 2016 Follow-Up

Isabell Böhm
Genocide in Rwanda: The Judgment of Frankfurt's Higher Regional Court Against a Former Rwandan Mayor of 29 December 2015

Jens Kaiser
German Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in 2016

Avril Rushe and Joschka Peters-Wunnenberg
Are the Maghreb States ›Safe‹?

Sebastian Tho Pesch
Finding a Solution Without Addressing the Problem: The 2014 Ems-Dollard Treaty

Marcus Schladebach
The Germanwings Disaster: Legal Debates and Consequences

Thomas Hoppe
The German Federal Court of Justice Marks a Possible Way for the CJEU's Preliminary Ruling: The Compatibility of Investment Arbitration Clauses in Intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties with European Union Law



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