Vol. 58 (2015)
The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.
FORUM: The Conflict in Ukraine and the ›Weakness‹ of International Law
Christian Marxsen
International Law in Crisis: Russia's Struggle for Recognition
FOCUS: Cyber-Security Beyond the Military Perspective
Martin Ney and Andreas Zimmermann
Cyber-Security Beyond the Military Perspective: International Law, ›Cyberspace‹, and the Concept of Due Diligence
Christian Walter
Obligations of States Before, During, and After a Cyber Security Incident
Oliver Dörr
Obligations of the State of Origin of a Cyber Security Incident
August Reinisch and Markus Beham
Mitigating Risks: Inter-State Due Diligence Obligations in Case of Harmful Cyber Incidents and Malicious Cyber Activity – Obligations of the Transit State
Robert Kolb
Reflections on Due Diligence Duties and Cyberspace
Jutta Brunnée and Tamar Meshel
Teaching an Old Law New Tricks: International Environmental Law Lessons for Cyberspace Governance
Matthias Herdegen
Possible Legal Framework and Regulatory Models for Cyberspace: Due Diligence Obligations and Institutional Models for Enhanced Inter-State Cooperation
Eckart Klein and David Kretzmer
The UN Human Rights Committee: The General Comments – The Evolution of an Autonomous Monitoring Instrument
Alex G. Oude Elferink
International Law and Negotiated and Adjudicated Maritime Boundaries: A Complex Relationship
Harald Kleinschmidt
Decolonisation, State Succession, and a Formal Problem of International Public Law
Marco Longobardo
The Palestinian Right to Exploit the Dead Sea Coastline for Tourism
Fenghua Li
Safeguarding State Sovereignty: The Relevance of Post-Award Remedies in ICSID and Non-ICSID Arbitration
Laura Salvadego
Witness Protection and Inter-State Cooperation: Current and Emerging Challenges in the Fight Against Transnational Organised Crime
Elisa Oezbek
Strengthening the Human Rights Council: The 2015 Presidency of German Ambassador Joachim Rücker
Hendrik Selle
Confronting the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Used as a Tactic of War: A German-Iraqi Initiative in the UN General Assembly
Stephanie Schlickewei
The Deployment of the German Armed Forces to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
Henning Büttner and Marvin Schwope
The Aftermath of Prism: The International Legal Framework for Surveillance and the Radius of Operation for German Intelligence Agencies from a Human Rights Perspective
Sarah Bothe and Charlotte Gaschke
Germany's Proposal of a »Grexit auf Zeit«
Jens T. Theilen
Towards Acceptance of Religious Pluralism: The Federal Constitutional Court's Second Judgment on Muslim Teachers Wearing Headscarves
»No doubt this is a very impressive volume and it should be on the shelves of any good research library.« Prof. Dr. Sienho Yee, in: Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 16, Issue 2/2017
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