Vol. 48 (2005)
The German Yearbook of International Law was founded in 1948 as the "Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht" by Rudolf Laun and Hermann von Mangoldt and is now edited by the Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel. Since its inception it has endeavoured to contribute to the development of international law. Originally it has done this mainly by providing German scholars with an opportunity to publish the results of their works, but increasingly also by offering an international forum.
In view of the desirability of obtaining for the Yearbook the largest possible international audience, the editors in 1976 have decided to use the present English title and to accept for publication preferably contributions written in English, or - to a lesser degree - in French. Naturally, the Yearbook also contains contributions written in German. This policy to overcome traditional language barriers appears to have proven successful both in informing the international law community about research done in German academic institutions and in presenting international viewpoints on various topics to the German audience.
The Yearbook provides an annual report on the work of internatioal organizations and bodies including the International Court of Justice and the European Court and Commission of Human Rights. Fully aware of the paramount importance of practical aspects in this field, the editors from the beginning also have sought to include contributions from practitioners of international law.
Inhalt: Forum: S. Hobe / A. Peters / E. Riedel / C. Tietje, A Tribute to Jost Delbrück on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday - T. Giegerich, "A Fork in the Road". Constitutional Challenges, Chances and Lacunae of UN Reform - Focus Section UNCLOS Revisited: 1995-2005: A. Zimmermann, Introductory Remarks - R. R. Churchill, 10 Years of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Towards a Global Ocean Regime? A General Appraisal - E. Franckx, The 200-mile Limit: Between Creeping Jurisdiction and Creeping Common Heritage? - W. Heintschel von Heinegg, The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Maritime Security Operations - S. Wasum-Rainer / D. Schlegel: The UNCLOS Dispute Settlement System. Between Hamburg and The Hague - $aU. Jenisch, The European Union as an Actor in the Law of the Sea. The Emergence of Regionalism in Maritime Safety, Transportation and Ports - General Articles: E. Vranes, Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in WTO Dispute Settlement - V. Weißflog, Germany's New Immigration Law. A Paradigm Shift or Lost in Transition? - K. Merusk / M. Susi, Ten Years After Ratification. The European Convention on Human Rights and Its Impact on Estonia - H. Can / C. Özen, Turkey and the European Union. From Association to Future Membership - Reports: H. Leitsch, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2005 - K. Franzen / T. Müller, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2005 - R. Geiß, The Work of the International Criminal Court in 2005 - A. Meyer / J.-P. Schütze, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2005 - M. Bickel / V. Ritz, Die Rechtsprechung der WTO-Streitbeilegungsgremien im Jahre 2005 - R. Happ / N. Rubins, Awards and Decisions of ICSID Tribunals in 2005 - E. Langer / E. Linde, Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre - Book Reviews
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