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German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 44 (2001)

2002. 828 S.
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The German Yearbook of International Law was founded in 1948 as the "Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht" by Rudolf Laun and Hermann von Mangoldt and is now edited by the Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel. Since its inception it has endeavoured to contribute to the development of international law. Originally it has done this mainly by providing German scholars with an opportunity to publish the results of their works, but increasingly also by offering an international forum.

In view of the desirability of obtaining for the Yearbook the largest possible international audience, the editors in 1976 have decided to use the present English title and to accept for publication preferably contributions written in English, or - to a lesser degree - in French. Naturally, the Yearbook also contains contributions written in German. This policy to overcome traditional language barriers appears to have proven successful both in informing the international law community about research done in German academic institutions and in presenting international viewpoints on various topics to the German audience.

The Yearbook provides an annual report on the work of international organizations and bodies including the International Court of Justice and the European Court and Commission of Human Rights. Fully aware of the paramount importance of practical aspects in this field, the editors from the beginning also have sought to include contributions from practitioners of international law.


Inhalt: Forum: J. Delbrück, The Fight Against Global Terrorism: Self-Defense or Collective Security as International Police Action? Some Comments on the International Legal Implications of the 'War Against Terrorism' - Focus Section: International Theory: A. Peters, There is Nothing More Practical than a Good Theory: An Overview of Contemporary Approaches to International Law - M. Borowski, Discourse Theory in International Law, Human Rights Through Discourse - S. Oeter, International Law and General Systems Theory - S. Wiessner / A. R. Willard, Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence - B. E. Hernández-Truyol, Crossing Borderlands of Inequality with International Legal Methodologies. The Promise of Multiple Feminisms - C. Walter, Constitutionalizing (Inter)national Governance. Possibilities for and Limits to the Development of an International Constitutional Law - General Articles: W. Kälin, Temporary Protection in the EC: Refugee Law, Human Rights and the Temptations of Pragmatism - R. Hofmann, Protecting the Rights of National Minorities in Europe. First Experiences with the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities - A. Reinisch, Governance Without Accountability? - R. Bank, The New Programs for Payments to Victims of National Socialist Injustice - T. H. Irmscher, The Legal Framework for the Activities of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo: The Charter, Human Rights, and the Law of Occupation - K. Nowrot, Saving the International Legal Regime on Climate Change?: The 2001 Conferences of Bonn and Marrakesh - M. Mennecke, Towards the Humanization of the Vienna Convention of Consular Rights. The LaGrand Case Before the International Court of Justice - Comments: M. Hofmann, The Right to Establishment for Nationals of the European Union Associated Countries in the Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice - P. R. Ghandhi,$z Some Aspects of the Exhaustion of Domestic Remedies Rule Under the Jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee - B. Kessle, The Duty to 'Ensure Respect' Under Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions: Its Implications on International and Non-International Armed Conflicts - S. R. Roos, The 'Right to Live and Remain in One's Place of Origin': A United Nations' Rhetoric or an Internationally Recognized Human Right? Reflections on the Potential of a Controversial Right to be Universally Recognized - German Section: M. Rau, NATO's New Strategic Concept and the German Federal Government's Authority in the Sphere of Foreign Affairs: The Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court of 22 November 2001 - C. Hoß / R. A. Miller, German Federal Constitutional Court and Bosnian War Crimes: Liberalizing Germany's Genocide Jurisprudence - Reports: C. Fiesser / H. Scheel, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2001 - A. Erdogan, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Seegerichtshofes im Jahre 2001 - R. Fakhreshafaei, Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2001 - F. Bayer / H. Jessen, Die Rechtsprechung des WTO-Streitbeilegungsgremiums im Jahre 2001 - C. J. Tams, Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre 2001 - U. Blanke / B. Elberling, Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2001

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