Empirical and Normative Challenges of Fighting the Islamic State
The events surrounding the terrorist group officially known as the Islamic State (IS) have galvanized anti-terrorist efforts far beyond the first reactions after September 11, 2001, and led to varying state responses, especially in Europe, e.g., in addressing the phenomenon of foreign fighters.
In »Dealing with Terrorism – Empirical and Normative Challenges for Fighting the Islamic State« an international panel of experts analyses current trends and new developments in legal systems and in law enforcement in Europe as well as in the USA and the Middle East. Offering a succinct overview with special focus on criminal law, police law, and European and international law, the book provides unique insights into what dealing with terrorism means to European and non-European countries. It includes material from non-English-speaking countries that is seldom available to a broader academic community. Its comparative approach offers readers three levels of understanding: by country, in terms of the European Union, and the international community as a whole.
The book is geared at specialists in national and international institutions, scholars, and students in the field but will also be of great interest to the wider legal community. Its profound insights and expert perspectives enhance the ongoing national and international debate on public security issues by striking a balance between freedom and security.
Part 1 – International and European Framework for Fighting Terrorism
Davor Derenčinović
Europe at a Crossroads – Countering Terrorism in the Surveillance Society
Maja Munivrana Vajda and Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička
Establishing ICC Jurisdiction Over Crimes Committed by ISIL – Did Humanity Fail the Countries of Syria and Iraq?
John A.E. Vervaele
Foreign (Terrorist) Fighters: Combatants and/or Terrorists or Just Enemies?
Maja Serafin
UN-Regulations on Asset Freezing as a Countermeasure against the Financing of ISIS
Katalin Ligeti and Maxime Lassalle
The Organised Crime-Terrorism Nexus: How to Address the Issue of ISIS Benefitting from Lucrative Criminal Activities?
Christophe Paulussen
Together Against ISIS – Police and Justice Cooperation in Europe
Peter B. Campbell and Katie A. Paul
Funding Conflict Through Cultural Property: The Destruction and Trafficking of Cultural Heritage by Islamic State
Part 2 – National Legal Answers to Terrorism and Recruitment
Russell A. Miller
Surveying German Security Jurisprudence
John A.E. Vervaele
Terrorism and Anticipative Criminalization. Ius poenali sine limite?
David Lowe
Legislating Non-Violent Extremism in Prevent Strategies: The Example of the UK
Steven W. Becker
Transition to Terrorism: Developments in U.S. Terrorism Legislation from Law Enforcement to Intelligence Gathering
Mark Drumbl
US Courts, Jurisdiction, and Mutual Trust: RJR Nabisco v. European Community
Aleksandar Marsavelski
The Phenomenon of Terrorist Political Parties and Countermeasures for Their Suppression
Cenap Çakmak
Phasing the Syrian Crisis: from Peaceful Conflicts to Internationalized Conflict
Eliko Ciklauri-Lammich
The Geo-Strategic Importance of the Caucasus and the Radicalization Potential of Different Population Groups in the Region
Part 3 – Summary
Marc Engelhart
Aiming for a New Architecture of Security Law
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