From the Kantian Legacy to Contemporary Approaches
This book investigates several dimensions of the concept of cosmopolitanism since Kant. The first of these dimensions is a world vision that considers the construction of a »cosmopolitan self« as a question of justice. The second is the idea that a local political-legal order is fully democratic only if it respects the environment and the human rights of all people of the world, regardless of their citizenship. The third dimension concerns the practice of crossborder associations between individuals, institutionalized or not (cosmopolitics, as Balibar called it). The fourth considers individuals as subjects of international law, as in the case of individual petitions concerning human rights through the European Court of Human Rights and individual responsibility in international criminal law. Finally, the fifth dimension is a form of ecological consciousness based on the relationship between the self and the cosmos, which would imply a profound revision of modern anthropocentric concepts.
Cristina Foroni Consani, Joel T. Klein, Soraya Nour Sckell: Introduction
Part I. Cosmopolitanism in Modern Philosophy
Maria Isabel Limongi: David Hume and »Difference« as a Cosmopolitan Principle
Delamar José Volpato Dutra, Cláudio Ladeira de Oliveira: There are no Limits to the Rights of a State against an unjust enemy
Fernando M. F. Silva: Kant and the Birth of the Pragmatic
Henny Blomme: Kant on the (Im)Possibility of attaining Perpetual Peace
Joel T. Klein: Prudential Reasoning in Kant’s Legal Cosmopolitanism
Maria Borges: Kant on Cosmopolitan Law and the Possibility of Refugee Rights
Vinicius de Figueiredo: Two Moments of Kantian Cosmopolitanism
Giorgia Cecchinato: Fichte’s Closed Commercial State from a Cosmopolitan Perspective: Identifying Agreement in spite of Apparent Contradictions
Part II. Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Philosophy
Bethania Assy, Rafael Rolo: Shaman Cosmopolitanism:$- Amerindian Resistance and Perspectivism
Celso de Moraes Pinheiro: Citizenship beyond Borders
Charles Feldhaus: Cosmopolitism in Habermas: With and beyond Kant
Cristina Foroni Consani: A Constitution without a State? An Analysis of the Habermasian Proposal for Global Politics without a World Government
Darlei Dall’Agnol: Global Bioethics and the Need for better International Governance
David García Hoyos: Cultural Cosmopolitics in Latin America: The Case of Cumbia
Marco Antonio Valentim: Cosmology and Politics in the Anthropocene
Milene Consenso Tonetto: Global Ethics and Climate Change
Nythamar de Oliveira, João Henrique Salles Jung: Is a Cosmopolitan World Society possible? A Dialogue between Critical Theory and the English School
Thomas Bustamante: Is there an Objective Standard of Salience for International Law?
Notes on Contributors, Index
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