Documents and Sources relating to German-British Relations in the Archives and Collections of Windsor and Coburg. Vol. 2: The Photograph Collections and Private Libraries. Compiled by Oliver Walton. Based on preliminary work by Sonja Schultheiß-Heinz
This is the second volume of research findings from the Common Heritage Project. It concerns two areas: on the one hand, the photograph collections in Windsor and Coburg, on the other, the private libraries of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Dukes of Coburg ending with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901. Notable in Windsor are the early photographs; Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were interested in photography from the earliest days of the new medium, and used it systematically for private as well as public purposes. In Coburg, the most illuminating parts of the collection deal with Duke Alfred, illustrating his whole life, from his childhood and sea voyages through to his reign as Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and his burial. The libraries reveal prominently the intellectual background and the knowledge available in printed form. The project has made use of historic catalogues for the libraries of these principal figures connecting Britain, Coburg, and Gotha: the private libraries of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, housed in Buckingham Palace, and the private library of the dukes of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
List of Plates and Tables
The Photograph Collections
Introduction to the Photographs in the Royal Collection: Photographs in the Royal Collection – Introduction to the Photographs in Coburg: The Photograph Collections in Coburg
The Private Libraries
Introduction to the Royal Library and the Private Libraries of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert: Queen Victoria's Private Library in 1843, Queen Victoria's German Books, Prince Albert's Private Library in 1843, Prince Albert's Private Library in c.1860 – Introduction to the Ducal Private Library at Coburg: The Private Library of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1901
Index of People Photographed
Index of Photographers
Index of Authors and Editors
»Die beiden Bände der ›Common Heritage‹ bringen Forschern und interessierten Lesern [...] das Viktorianische Zeitalter den einen gewaltigen Schritt näher.« Jörg Schüttler, in: Mein Waldeck (Beilage der Waldeckischen Landeszeitung für Heimatfreunde), Nr. 21 vom 12.10.2018
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